Hochschild: Implementation of network in dining room NV4265 V9 – Office of trackless workshops NV 4300

  • Start date: November 3th, 2022.
  • Finish date: December 5th, 2022.
  • Description: Fiber optic laying of 12 single-mode wires of 450 meters. from the passage box next to NS60 (15) installed in NV 4300 to the dining rooms of NV 4265. Likewise, fiber optic laying from RP 7180 – NV4400 RB18 to the Trackless NV 4300 Workshop Office. The implementation consists of of the fiber optic cable laying service, installation of stabilized electrical energy and structured cabling, as well as the installation of communication equipment.
  • Objective: The main objective of the project is to implement a data network through fiber optics to the environments of the Training Room, Dining Rooms and Mine Office at Level 4265, in the same way to expand and improve the design of the fiber optics from Level 4400 – Ramp 7180 – RB 18 towards the Trackless NV 4300 Workshop Office.